華語學分班 (隨班附讀)
國立清華大學外國學生修讀華語課程實施要點 Mandarin Course Requirements for NTHU International Students
Announcement Regarding Mandarin Course Requirements for NTHU International Students
These guidelines apply to all international students (Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD), except for students enrolling in the TIGP (Taiwan International Graduate Program) or Dual-Degree program.
The requirements for each degree type are explained below:
學士班外國學生:Bachelor’s degree students:
- 應於入學後在學期間前四學期內修畢8學分。
8 credit hours of Mandarin courses (stipulations below) must be completed within the first 4 semesters of enrollment.
- 若未能滿足上述規定,則須於畢業前修畢12學分。
Students who fail to meet Requirement 1 above must complete 12 credit hours of Mandarin courses before graduating.
- 已修畢華語課程4學分者得免修校定必修之「大學中文」。
Students who complete 4 credit hours of Mandarin courses are exempt from taking the “College Chinese” required course.
- 修習課程限「初級華語一、二、三」、「中級華語一、二、三」、「中高級華語一、二、三」與「高級華語一、二、三」,其餘課程不計。
Mandarin courses counting toward the requirement include level I, II, or III of: Mandarin Basic, Mandarin Intermediate, Mandarin High-Intermediate, and Mandarin Advanced.
- 入學前即具備華語基礎能力之外國學生,可以選擇至華語中心參加減∕免修測驗。
Students enrolling with some proficiency in Chinese are encouraged to take the CLC Mandarin Credit Waiver Test.
碩士班外國學生:Master’s degree students:
- 畢業前必須修畢4學分,其畢業離校期限依本校「碩士學位考試細則」辦理之。
4 credit hours of Mandarin courses (stipulations below) must be completed before graduating. For detailed information on graduation regulations, refer to “National Tsing Hua University’s Master’s Degree Examination Measures”.
- 入學前具華語基礎能力者,得選擇至華語中心參加減∕免修測驗。
Students enrolling with some proficiency in Chinese are encouraged to take the CLC Mandarin Credit Waiver Test.
- 修習課程限「初級華語一、二、三」、「中級華語一、二、三」、「中高級華語一、二、三」與「高級華語一、二、三」,其餘課程不計。
Mandarin courses counting toward the requirement include level I, II, or III of: Mandarin Basic, Mandarin Intermediate, Mandarin High-Intermediate, and Mandarin Advanced.
博士班外國學生:PhD degree students:
- 畢業前必須修畢8學分,其畢業離校期限依本校「博士學位考試細則」辦理之。
8 credit hours of Mandarin courses (stipulations below) must be completed before graduating. For detailed information on graduation regulations, refer to “National Tsing Hua University’s Doctoral Degree Exam Statutes”.
- 入學前具華語基礎能力者,得選擇至華語中心參加減∕免修測驗。
Students enrolling with some proficiency in Chinese are encouraged to take the CLC Mandarin Credit Waiver Test.
- 修習課程限「初級華語一、二、三」、「中級華語一、二、三」、「中高級華語一、二、三」與「高級華語一、二、三」,其餘課程不計。
Mandarin courses counting toward the requirement include level I, II, or III of: Mandarin Basic, Mandarin Intermediate, Mandarin High-Intermediate, and Mandarin Advanced.
三、減∕免修測驗:Mandarin Credit Waiver Test
- 受測對象:凡同時具備以下兩項條件者皆可報名參加
- 清華大學109學年度(含)以後入學、具華語基礎之國際學生,包括各院系所、國際學院、以及跨院碩、博士班之各學制學生。
- 入學前曾修習華語課程六個月以上,或具有A1以上華語程度者。
- Registration Eligibility: To be eligible, students must fulfill the two conditions shown below.
- Hold status as an NTHU international student in any Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD program, excluding the TIGP (Taiwan International Graduate Program) or Dual-Degree program, with the first semester of enrollment in or after the 2020 fall semester.
- Having already studied Mandarin for at least 6 months or having proficiency at or above the A1 level.
- 收費標準:凡符合以上受測對象規定者,本測驗不予收費。欲加考閱讀者,收費200元整。Payment Guidelines: Students meeting the two conditions shown above may take the Mandarin Credit Waiver Test (listening only) free of charge. Students who wish to additionally take the reading test may do so at a cost of 200NTD.
- 本校學生在學期間僅得受測一次。Eligible students may only take the test one time during their degree program.
- 測驗成績可做為減∕免修華語課程的依據。Results of the Mandarin Credit Waiver Test count toward fulfillment of the requirements listed in part II as shown in the following table.

考試資訊Test Information
The test time and location will be announced on the official website of the CLC 6 weeks before the start of nextsemester.
- 填寫上面報名連結: https://forms.gle/NLfBoEBkiTSHWwfv8
- 開學後找華語中心老師簽名,將報名表繳交至華語中心。
- 報名繳交資料:學生證或居留證/護照影本、報名表。
- 報名後,華語中心將立即通知學生考試時間、場次。
- 報名受理至開學第一週週二17:00前。
- 減免修測驗結果將於考試結束後的次週二通知。
- Fill out the registration link : https://forms.gle/NLfBoEBkiTSHWwfv8
- print out the “NTHU CLC Mandarin Credit Waiver Test Registration” form and get signature of CLC teacher during the first week of instruction of the semester.
- A photocopy of the test-taker’s student ID card or ARC/passport must also be handed in to the CLC office along with the registration form.
- After successful registration, CLC will immediately notify you when and where the test will be held.
- Registration deadline is at 17:00 on Tuesday of the first week of instruction of each semester.
- Test-takers will be notified of their test results on the Tuesday following the test.
Students who pass the TOCFL test while enrolled in a CLC course may apply for a withdrawal from the course.
These guidelines have been approved by the NTHU Curriculum Committee and apply to all international students who enroll in or after the 2020 fall semester.